Check out our IN STOCK BRASS & BULLETS page for our current stock!!
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32 Auto ………………..$24 for 100
327 Federal Mag……$32 for 100
30 Luger………………..$24 for 100
30 Mauser……………..$23 for 100
7.62 x 25 Tokarev…..$26 for 100
32 S&W Long…………$24 for 100
32 H&R Mag………….$24 for 100
9mm Luger……………$22 for 100
9mm Largo……………$24 for 100
9mm Makarov……….$24 for 100
380 Auto……………….$22 for 100
38 Super……………….$22 for 100
38 S&W…………………$24 for 100
38 Short Colt…………$24 for 100
38 Special…………….$23 for 100
357 Mag……………….$24 for 100
40 S&W…………………$25 for 100
10mm Auto…………..$27 for 100
41 Mag…………………$30 for 100
44 Special…………….$30 for 100
44 Mag…………………$30 for 100
45 Auto +P………….$30 for 100
45 Auto Rim………….$30 for 100
45 Long Colt…………$32 for 100
357 Maximum ……..$45 for 100
45 Schofield…………………..$30 for 100
45 Win Mag……………………$34 for 100
32/20 Winchester……………$32 for 100
38/40 Winchester……………$40 for 100
44/40 Winchester……………$20 for 50
30 Carbine………………………$34 for 100
454 Casull……………………..$25 for 50
460 S&W Mag………………..$42 for 50
480 Ruger………………………$32 for 50
50 AE…………………………….$28 for 50
500 S&W………………………..$38 for 50
458 Socom…………………….$47 for 50
45/70 Government………….$35 for 50
50/70 Government…………$74 for 50
8MM Nambu………………….$34 for 50
50 Beowulf……………………..$45 for 50
444 Marlin………………………$42 for 50
450 Bushmaster……………..$45 for 50
308 Winchester………………$30 for 50

22 TCM………..100 for …$30.00
Mixed Fired Brass
9mm Fired Mixed Brass 250 ct………….$16.00
38 spl Fired Mixed Brass 250 ct………….$18.00
357 Sig Fired Mixed Brass 250 ct………….$18.00
40 S&W Fired Mixed Brass 250 ct………….$16.00
45 ACP Fired Mixed Brass 250 ct………….$28.00
223 Fired Mixed Brass 250 ct………….$28.00

25 ACP ….50 for $11.00 32 ACP………….
32 S&W Long….
38 Super +P……
38 S&W………….